14 May 2012

Nice weather for ducks!

Can I ask you something?    What‘s happening with the weather at the mo!?!   I’ve still got my rug on, and I’m fed up with all this mud!

I’m much closer to the ground than any of the other horses, so it’s harder for me to move about & you know how much I love to play in the field.  Even rolling isn’t much fun!

Could someone turn off the taps & push the button marked ‘SUN’ – please, please, please!!!!

Sunset at Calvert Trust Exmoor
This is what I'm missing! - sunset at Calvert Trust Exmoor

10 May 2012

Bye Bye River

Do you remember my friend River? She helped me out with my blog a few weeks ago. Well, I‘m sad to say that she has gone back home to her owners.

I thought maybe I’d done something wrong – but no, it’s not that at all. She really liked it here and loved the work, but she didn’t get on very well with some of the other horses.

you might remember she had an injury a few weeks ago, well I think the staff here were worried that it could happen again & her owners agreed it was better that River went back home.

I shall miss the old girl – we got on really well & I know she liked me (remember she said I was a "talented pony?!"); but I’ve heard that her mum is very pleased to have her back home and will be riding her too.  

7 May 2012

Horse Experience Weekend

Hi there guys…..it’s me again the mighty atom! AKA Pilgrim, from the stables at Calvert Trust Exmoor.  Been really busy but I just had to take some time out to fill you in on the latest news!

We’ve just had a group of guests that spend all weekend in the stables – they did loads of different stuff like grooming and practical things like putting the hay in the field & clearing up our mess! 

One of the best bits was watching me & my friends play in the school. I just love showing everyone how good I am at rolling & how fast I can run from one end of the school to the other!

They also got to ride, and had a go at carriage driving with my friend Hendrix; he told me later that they all did a good job & he enjoyed doing the courses of cones they set up for him.

The final thing they did was the ‘Calvert Challenge’ – a course set up by the folks themselves!  I heard that everyone did a clear round – so well done to them! 

It was good getting to know the guests a bit better as they spent more time with us.  If you would like to spend a weekend with me & my friends then give reception a call – we’d love to meet you!

26 April 2012

I'm on film!

I've had a chance to browse the Calvert Trust Exmoor website today, and I've just found out that me & my friends are on film!

See if you can spot me!

Now I think about it I do remember there being a man with a big camera here for a few days last summer, but I had no idea  what he was doing! 

Fortunately he got plenty of footage of me, don't forget to look out for me when you watch it.

23 April 2012

Driving you round the bend

Great fun today - I did some more driving this morning, and I'm pretty awesome at it!!

I did get a bit over excited at the beginning, (well, what talented pony wouldn't when they are soooo good), but I showed myself to be one cool dude in a carriage!

I've noticed that my passengers keep changing; I know each one of them as I see them on the mornings helping in the stables. Everyone wants to have a go with Pilgrim the mini Superstar - I wonder if they draw straws to see who goes first?

19 April 2012

got to dash...

It's been a good week so far. I've done lots of bits & pieces with the groups - my agility work of course, but I do also take people on a mini Shetland tour of the centre, well, all the bits I know about any way!

got to dash, I'm back on duty in 10 minutes & I've got to finish my lunch!

16 April 2012

The Mighty Atom!

Hi there guys, its The Mighty Atom here!!
The Mighty Atom!
OK, I'm not actually sure what that means, but it sounds good doesn't it! A.K.A. Pilgrim, in case you don't know and have only just joined my blog; where have you been!

Firstly, big thanks to my big friend River for doing her bit on my blog, she did quite well for a beginner, but she doesn't know much about blogging does she! Otherwise she'd have known that I would read everything she wrote!

"talented pony" eh? Not sure I can keep that one to myself! I just might have to let the other guys in on it! Although on second thoughts, what if one of them tells River? 

Maybe I'll keep it to myself (for now anyway!) - I don't want to upset her do I!

13 April 2012

Guest Blogger River Big Bear 6 - Eating and Dozing

You might be forgiven for thinking that all we horses do at the end of our working day is eat grass or doze...

...alright, I admit it, we do do that! but we also talk about our day.

Pilgrim & Pixie told me yesterday how they have been helping this week's guests to become more confident around horses. Apparently they have been taking it in turns to lead them, whilst another guest is riding. I wasn't involved in this as I am quite tall and have a long stride, so its not easy for guests to keep up with me, but Pixie said everyone did really well, especially as it was a new experience for quite a few people.

Pilgrim then remarked how well he did in his agility work, and how helpful he was to everyone around the course. He is indeed a very talented young pony! (but please don't tell him I said that, otherwise I will never hear the end of it!)

11 April 2012

Guest Blogger: River Big Bear 5 - weather!

I've been living in Devon for quite a few years now so I am accustomed to the changeable weather, however I have come to the conclusion that Exmoor has it's own separate weather system; and sometimes it feels as is someone has been playing with the remote control!

In recent weeks us horses have gone from winter rugs to lighter ones and then to none at all, and right now we are back in our rugs again! At least it shows that we are being well looked after.

9 April 2012

Guest Blogger: River Big Bear 4 -lunge

Hello again. Pilgrim has said I can do another week 'on the blog',which I am very pleased about. I do believe that I'm getting a better idea of what I should be doing!

This week I've been doing some training with one of the instructors. We've been looking working on the lunge; this means I walk in a large circle, with the instructor in the centre holding a long rope.

You might ask why an experienced horse like me needs training? Well, it helps me to remain supple and balanced so I can perform at my best in sessions with guests. I guess its a bit like yoga for horses!

7 April 2012

Mini action reporter!

Hi guys, its me again, your mini action reporter!

What do you think of River? she is one cool lady, and very keen on her work, always wanting to do her best. Just like me!

You see I know her very well as and Pixie (my number one fan!) share my field - how cool is that! I am one lucky guy!

Me & River, side by side!
Anyway, I just wanted to say I've not forgotten you guys! I will keep you 'in the know' with what I am doing; which is working hard and dazzling everyone with my amazing skills of course!

6 April 2012

Guest Blogger: River Big Bear 3

I've had a very productive week - having met a lot of different people and done my share of making their holiday one to remember!

Even if I say so myself, I do tend to stand out due to my unusual colouring. I am also quite athletically built, which adds to the overall effect. I must admit I do enjoy the attention almost as much as I enjoy my work!

3 April 2012

Guest Blogger; River Big Bear 2 - Back to Work

Hello again everyone, my name is River and I live and work at the stables at Calvert Trust Exmoor.  Pilgrim has asked me to continue with this 'blogging' thing a little longer - I must be getting the hang of it!

In my Comfy Stable

You will probably recall last time I wrote I was off work with an injury - sustained through a difference of opinion with another horse. I am pleased to be able to report that I am fully recovered and have returned to work, helping our guests have an enjoyable experience here at the stables.

Much as my stable has one of the best views out on to Exmoor, I do not like being idle so to be back in work is a relief!

28 March 2012

Guest Blogger: River Big Bear

Hello, my name is River, and firstly I would like to say thank you to Pilgrim for allowing me this opportunity to introduce myself via his blog. I must confess that when young Pilgrim suggested blogging I thought it sounded a little rude! but apparently it’s all the rage these days. 

Let it not be said that us more mature ladies are not in touch with the modern world!

River in Action (2003)

My full name is ‘River Big Bear’, and to answer Pilgrim’s un-asked question I shall be 18 this year. I am a brown leopard spot Appaloosa, 16 hands high.

Although I was born in Great Britain, my ancestors come from the United States of America, you might have seen some of my distant relations in western films,  the most famous being Zip Cochise, who stared alongside John Wayne  in the film “El Dorado”. 

I came to Calvert Trust Exmoor in January as I wasn’t being ridden very much, I’m still a very active lady and I want to remain so!

I had a minor incident this week, me and one of the other horses here failed to see eye to eye, and I ended up with a small cut on my leg. This resulted in me having a few days off, to give me a chance to heal; Not ideal in your first few months in a new home, I hope to be back in work next week.

26 March 2012

Introducing River

You’ve heard a lot about me over the last few weeks, and there’s plenty more to come, but I thought I might let some of my friends have a go too, as long as they remember who is the star of the show! 

My first guest is going to be the ‘new kid on the block’, River. You may remember I mentioned her a few weeks ago. 

Mind you I think she’s a bit older that me, by how much I don’t know, I didn’t like to ask! 

23 March 2012

Driving Miss Daisy

Another busy week, I was able to shine again doing my agility work. As usual each group I work with sets up the ‘tools of my trade’ differently, so I never do them in the same order. Even I would get bored doing them the same way all the time!

I did some driving with the boss this week, it makes a change from my agility work, which I am brilliant at of course! I’ve heard that once I’m ready I may get the chance to show off my driving skills to some of our guests, how cool is that! Won’t take me long to get up to speed, I can’t wait to show off another talent.

15 March 2012

rolling rolling rolling...

I've had lots on this week, I was able to show of my agility skills to lots of smaller people, they seemed to really enjoy going round my course with me, each group set up a different track so I didn’t get boring. (As if working with me could get boring)!

The weathers been a bit funny, my rugs been on an off quite a few times! 

I just love it when I ‘m allowed to go native (that’s no rug to you guys!), so I can get down & dirty in the field, I love that mud!

I’ve been asked to explain why rolling is such fun, & important to us horses and ponies. 

We roll to get rid of itches and remove our winter coats, and it helps to build up the waterproofing in our coats too.

I’m one of the best at rolling, I can go right over from one side to the other, easy peasy!

9 March 2012

It's all about the girls!

Well its been a quiet week for me this week, no agility sessions, which is a shame because I love showing folks what I can do!
My Friend Pixie

But I have had a blast playing in the outdoor school with my mates, especially Pixie, I’ve got a bit of a soft spot for her. As all us horses know, not many humans get where we are coming from, so watching us chatting & playing gives them a few clues.

I met a rather cool looking lady mare today, she’s tall, spotty (that’s her colour not a skin condition!), and rather aloof. I soon won her over with my boyish charm & good looks though! She’s called River, and she told me that her ancestors live in the wild west, that’s cowboy country, I really liked her & I’m sure she liked me, I hope to meet her again real soon.

2 March 2012

Horsing Around

One of my favourite things is when I get to play with my friends in the arena.

Its called ‘Horse Behaviour’, (whatever that means), really its just me trying to get the other horses to play a game; I don’t mind who joins in, as long as they are game for a laugh & don’t mind horsing around!

A strange thing happened earlier this week, this man I have only seen a few times put a contraption on my head, then started poking about my teeth; what a cheek! To be honest it didn’t hurt, and funnily enough I’m now finding it easier to eat my hay. 

He obviously likes me (but then who doesn’t?!), because I heard him say to Nicky he wants to see me again in 6 months time.

As it’s been sunny my rug has been taken off (whoopee!), I just love rolling in the field and it’s not nearly as much fun with a rug on!

24 February 2012

Mini Shetlands Rule!

I went out with my carriage today, started in the indoor arena then went outside, and I noticed the workmen building our new vista room watching me, I bet they’ve never seen such a strong pony before!
Vista Room work in progress!

You never know, I might be able to help out if one of their machines breaks down; 
Mini-Shetlands rule!

Guess what, that photo shoot (or at least my part in it) was postponed!! Something about the light not being very good – I don’t suppose the rain helped either!

21 February 2012

A Quiet Week

No guests in the centre this week so all quiet on the agility front, every superstar needs some downtime, so I’m taking advantage and really chilling out this week.

I’ve not yet mentioned my newest skill; like so many of my Scottish kin, I am very strong (despite my size!), and last year I started my training to pull a carriage. I have my own special harness, very fetching I look in it too, and my own custom built carriage – soon I will be able to take guests out just like my big friends Maxwell , Hendrix and Bruno – I can’t wait!

I have just heard that we have got a photo shoot this week, not sure which is my best side – both of course! – I can't wait to show you the photos of me & my friends when they are done!

17 February 2012

My First Post!

Well, the blog has started off on a busy week! 

Its the first full week of centre groups for 2012, I’ve met loads of new people and caught up with old friends.

My agility skills are the main attraction of course! They include weaving round cones (the tighter the better), walking over tyres, up & down a seesaw and over a scary river, just to name a few, I am a very versatile guy. I love a challenge and its great when the groups divide and each one gives me a different course to do; I haven’t failed one yet.

My friends tell me they’ve had a busy week too, meeting new guest and old friends, we all enjoy the variety of work we get,  and we all sleep well at night afterwards!

The weather has been kind this week so we have spent a lot of time outside, either in the outdoor arena or taking a walk to the reservoir, one of my favourite things is when the guests go outside to pick me a salad – yummy!

I try everything they bring me of course, although I like some things better than others; my favourite snack is clover.