7 November 2013

I'm going to need your help...

I was very excited last time I did the blog but I must admit to being a little disappointed today.

Why is that you might ask?   
Well last time I told you about the People’s Millions and asked if you could vote for us on Monday 25th November – I’m sure you all will if you can. Well it seems only right that I should ‘do my bit’ and was quite ready to do my share of voting.    

All ready to do my bit

But I was chatting to Hendrix and Brin yesterday about voting, Teddy took me to one side & told me that us horses aren’t allowed to vote!! 

Now that doesn’t seem quite fair; what do you think?

However, Teddy is usually right about everything, so he must be right about this. What a pity!

6 November 2013

Exciting Times!

I’ve just heard about a very, very exciting project for the Calvert Trust Exmoor which I've just got to tell you about!!!!
It’s called the ‘People’s Millions’  which in its self sounds very grand & exciting!  

Well Calvert Trust Exmoor is in the running to receive a grant which the folks here would put to very good use. Teddy told me that ‘The People’s Millions’ is a grants programme funded by the ‘Big Lottery Fund’ and apparently the winners are decided by a public vote!   

Now at first I thought Teddy meant that just the good folks of Devon would be voting; but he told me that the whole of the UK will be voting! WOW!!!!!

It’s all happening on November 25th,  and he said that we will be on T.V.; another WOW!!    

He said that we need everyone we know to vote and to get their friends and family to vote, and anyone else they might know to vote…

...would you please vote for us? 

I’d be ever so pleased if you would and do ask all people you know to vote as well.  If you want to know more about this then have a look on our website as I'm sure all the details will be there.


4 November 2013

Tired but Jolly Happy!

Yours truly is feeling a bit tired BUT jolly happy! Why’s that you may ask?

Well we’ve been very busy at Calvert Trust Exmoor with another Open Day.  It was great, we saw lots of people at the stables & the weather even behaved itself (or for most of the time anyway!)

I have to be honest, I didn’t have to do any carriage driving like Hendrix or Maxwell, but I was greeting all the folks as a representative of Calvert Trust Stables. 

Were you there? Did you have a great time?  I hope so! If you want to know when the next Open Day is keep an eye on our website for news of events coming up, like our facebook page or follow us on twitter; you could check them out (once you’ve read my blog of course!) 

We also had a group of lovely folks on a Horse Experience Weekend and I did some of my agility work with them;  they all did well and it was great to feel them get more confident as they progressed on the agility course.    

That’s why I’m a tired but happy pony; but all I need is a day off in my field and I’ll be ‘ready to rock’ again!

Just what I need after a busy weekend!

1 November 2013

Getting darker

Another bit of news is that we've all moved fields now the stables are back to normal. I'm back in my own field next to the archery; I'm still close to the others and the view is great!   

I've also noticed how it’s getting darker very soon after we've finished work; that means one thing to me…

…it’s going to get colder!   

Looking dapper in my lovely warm rug

No worries though as I've got my nice rug on!

29 October 2013

Let There Be Light!

Yours truly was the first of us guys to go into the indoor arena; and what do I think? One word sums it up…


It looks so much bigger & it’s so much brighter; Teddy may have been joking about the sunglasses but having seen it for real he might just have a point!

In fact it’s been the topic of conversation in the field in the last few days as none of us expected it to look so different!

The Indoor School in use

Mind you I think that will be it for a while now; we've had a new surface, new watering system & now new skylights. 

You know, It’s almost as if we've now got a brand new indoor school…

...aren't we lucky!

25 October 2013

Running with the Herd!

You’ll never guess what I did!

Yours truly manage to get out of my field and have a run with the other guys, it was so cool!!

I had a great time playing about with the others until someone must have seem me and told the staff. So here I am back in my own space now, but it was fun while it lasted!

Now I bet you’re all wondering how I managed to get out of my field; did I put my new jumping skills into action?  did I get down onto my knees & sneak under the fence? 

Well that would be telling! I happen to know that the staff read my blog so I’m just going to leave you all guessing!

Practicing my escape skills?

22 October 2013

In the Big Field

I forgot to tell you that while the roof is being done I’ve changed fields; I’m now the big field down the road with all the others.  How cool is that!   Mind you I’ve got my own ‘mini-paddock’ inside the field –  shame as it would be great to run round with the others.

But they’re a good bunch & most of them come up for a chat during the day.    What’s really good is I’ve got to know Lammert a bit better – he’s really cool & so big!

Lammert visiting me in my mini-paddock

I’ve got to be a bit careful though………..I noticed Brin giving me a funny look when I was chatting to Lammert yesterday & I don’t want to upset him as he’s a good mate!