15 September 2012

Guest Blogger Teddy 3: Work Shy Bruno

Pilgrim has asked that I continue as ‘guest blogger’ for a bit longer as he is still rather wrapped up in whatever it is he’s doing! I’ve tried asking politely without any success; it’s very unusual for Pilgrim to stay quiet, he’s normally bursting to tell anyone who’ll listen what he’s up to! 

I will find out somehow – I shall put my thinking cap on and come up with a plan.

We’ve been busy today – Well, all of us except Bruno that is! He’s managed to lose a front shoe (again) and his foot ‘is much too sore to work’.  

I wouldn’t mind too much; indeed losing a shoe can happen to the best of us.  BUT it seems to happen quite a lot to Bruno! He is either extremely clumsy or very clever, I haven’t decided which yet!! 

Clumsy Bruno or Clever Bruno?

It’s certainly a good way to have a few days off work; I only hope that the farrier comes sooner rather than later so Bruno can get back to work!


Let me know what you think!: