6 April 2014

Bare back? well, sort of!

Hi everybody, it’s the mighty atom here again!

We are very busy in the stables now with loads of lovely guests, and finally the grass has started to grow, so we are all a lot happier in the fields. I have even stayed out overnight on a few occasions as it has been warm and dry; lovely!  As you know I don’t like getting wet and cold so I am usually tucked up in my stable at night!

The new horses I told you about have all fitted into the team very well. Duchess is pulling the big carriage regularly now and she says she loves it.  It looks quite big and heavy to me but she is a big strong girl and she pulls it easily!

Safari has a new saddle type thing that he has been wearing.  It has no stirrups and is very soft. I heard the staff call it a bareback pad and Nicky, Abi and Louise have all had a go at riding Safari with it on.  

Safari looking great with the bareback pad.

It's looks strange to see people on him with no stirrups! but Safari says it feels great and some riders find it very useful as they like the feel of it.

2 April 2014

More New Arrivals!

I mentioned new arrivals, well I haven't finished telling you about them; A couple of weeks ago we had another two horses arrive! 

The first one is called Duchess. She is a black mare who is going to pull our big carriage, she says she has done lots of driving before she came here and also she likes being ridden.  She has VERY hairy legs!! (she calls them feathers, but it looks like hair to me!)

Duchess trying out our carriage with Abi & Louise

Jack is a piebald pony so he will fit in well as we have several piebald’s already.  He is a riding pony and has worked in a riding school before so he is used to this kind of job. He also has a mousetache! I've never seen one on a horse before, I thought only humans had them!

Jack showing off his Moustache!

They both seem very friendly although Teddy tells me Duchess thinks she is going to be in charge of all the horses in the field.  I heard the Nicky say that quite often girl horses are the boss, so we shall see!

We are now all ready for the busiest time of year here with lots of visitors coming to stay at Calvert Trust Exmoor so I am looking forward to meeting lots of new people and saying hello to those I have met before.

29 March 2014

I'm back! Hello again!

Hi everyone, I know it’s been a while but things have been rather busy here.  We had a wet but mild Winter here this year, I was looking forward to some of that white stuff falling from the sky but so far we've had none of that!

through the winter I've been tucked up nice and warm in my stable every night, so its lovely now that the weather is brighter to get out into the fields again.

All the other horses have also spent quite a lot of time in the stables at night too as the fields have been very muddy and us horses can only cope with so much rain; a bit like humans I suppose! We are all very excited about being out in the fields in the sunshine again.

The main reason why it’s been so busy is that we have had lots of new arrivals since Christmas, and I've been showing them the ropes.

The first to arrive were Safari and Rooster, who came together from another stables.  Safari is an unusual looking chap.  He tells me he is an Appaloosa, apparently that’s a breed of horse!  He is chestnut but has white spots and patches on his back and hind quarters.  He tells me this means he is "a Chestnut Frosted Blanket" which he obviously thinks makes him quite special! 

Safari posing for his photo!

Safari arrived with Rooster who is very, very tall!  He said he used to be a racehorse but now he is a bit older he was looking for a quieter life so Calvert Trust Exmoor should fit the bill for him. He is a chestnut but with none of Safari’s fancy spots. They seem very happy to be here and are both working with our guests really well.

Rooster ready for action

We also have some new humans too! Kerri-Anne and Louise have joined Nicky and AbI, to help them look after us and all of the new horses too.

12 December 2013

Will you come and help me?

I've just heard Nicky and Abby talking; it turns out that they are looking for someone else to come and work here in the stables!

It's quite exciting; I wonder who it will be? It would be great if it could be you!

If you  want to find out more its on our website: http://www.calvert-trust.org.uk/exmoor/work-with-us

9 December 2013

Big plans for 2014

We have had a busy time this year with loads of brilliant people visiting me! (Also a few people may have ridden and driven the others). It is now getting a lot quieter here which I thought meant we all got a holiday; but I thought wrong!!

We are all in horsey boot camp getting fitter and doing some different stuff. This is actually great fun – even Brin and Teddy think so – I think! 

Hendrix told me about going out for a lovely long drive. Henry and Bertie have been practising being dressage ponies, something about balance to help our riders?! 

Brin and Teddy have been doing some faster work with the staff riding them, usually they are the slow and steady guys. Apparently they are both going to get a bit fitter to make their job easier.

I have been doing all kinds of stuff, including jumping mini grand national type jumps in the arena.  I heard Nicky and Abi talking about big plans for me next year, I don’t know what they mean but I’ll keep you posted!!

7 December 2013

Here comes the big guy in red...

The staff have been up to something here, there is lots of shiny stuff around the yard, I think I remember from last year it’s called tinsel.  

Also they have decorated the carriage so that Hendrix can take Father Christmas somewhere to deliver some presents. 

All ready for the big guy in the red suit!

I am sure Hendrix will feel very important and we won’t hear about anything else from him for ages!

5 December 2013

Snow? No thanks!

Hi everyone it’s your favourite pony blogger here!

I would like to say a HUGE pony thank you to everyone who voted for Calvert Trust Exmoor in the Peoples Millions. Teddy said that means more people can come and see me (and the other horses!). 

The weather is getting colder and all us horses and ponies are now wearing our Winter Woolies in the fields.

Here's me looking gorgeous in my Winter Woolies!

I overheard the stables staff say they were preparing for snow.  I remember the white stuff from last year and have every intention of being tucked up in my stable nice and cosy, watching the snow fall through the window!!

I know I'm a tough little shetland but I'm too small to be outside when it snows; I'm so close to the ground my tummy gets cold very quickly!