I’ve just got to tell you this! Teddy was put in my field last night, the first night out for him since his injury. He was so pleased to be out again and got busy with eating as much grass as he could.
Next thing I know he, Bruno & my new friend Brin have all disappeared from the field!!!! I waited for them to come back, but instead one of the staff appeared and took me in to the stables. And guess who was already there? Yes, you’re right, Teddy, Bruno & Brin!!!
I think Teddy may be guilty of leading the other two into trouble, I remember he’s done this before! Not quite sure what’s going to happen now as I think they’ve done quite a bit of damage to the fencing. I’ll keep you posted!
I’ve got some good news for you today: Teddy is better!!
I saw him being tacked up & go into the indoor school. He told me later that he’s being brought back to fitness by the staff so that in a week or so he will be able to work in sessions with our guests.
Teddy |
Teddy was also allowed to go in the field for a few hours – he told me that he didn’t know what to do first, eat or jump for joy! He then confessed that the lush grass won first place, but he did do both! He’s still staying in his stable at night-time for the mo….but hopes to be joining me & the guys out in the field very soon.
As usual your mini reporter (that’s me) will keep you posted!
I overheard the staff talking today about how good I look this year in my summer coat! Of course I look good in my winter coat too, but due to my Scottish pedigree it can take me a long time to lose it. Having a bit of both is not a good look….even for me!
I think it’s due to the extra attention I had earlier on in the year; my coat gleams in the sun & I feel good! Grooming is very important to us horses, and something that the staff do for us every time we come in from the field. Have you done any grooming lately?
Hi there! We are being kept busy at the moment here in the stables at Calvert Trust Exmoor, I heard the staff saying something about schools have broken up: I guess they mean that the children aren’t at school for a bit rather than the buildings have fallen apart!
Everyone here is working a bit harder as one of my friends, Teddy, has injured his leg and can’t ‘do his bit’ for our guests. He’s been off for a couple of weeks and told me the other day that he really misses working & eating in the field! Teddy did add that he’s feeling better & hopes to get back to work very soon; I’ll keep my hooves crossed for him!
I’ve had a good week, showing folks just how friendly horses are and doing my agility course with them, but so far I’ve not done any driving this week.
I had a chat with Bruno, one of the horses that pulls the big carriage, and asked him how much driving he does. He said that it varies from week to week, and some weeks he might not be asked to drive at all! He shares the job with Maxwell and Hendrix, so I suppose they all have to do their bit.
The big Carriage |
Bruno reckoned that I was very lucky to have my own carriage; he has to share the 4 wheeler with the others! The stables also has a 2 wheeler (like mine but bigger), that Maxwell & Hendrix can drive – I think Bruno is a bit big for it, but I didn’t like to ask!
Just as I hoped, I’ve done some more driving this week. I’ve had a few people in my carriage; some sitting beside a member of staff and some on their own.
My Carriage |
When I told Pixie all about it she was really pleased – she said something about me growing up at last…not quite sure what she means by that!!
Anyway, I hope I get to do this again & soon!
It’s another busy week. We’ve got quite a few smaller people with us and I have the job of ‘Ambassador’ for us horses. Being closer to their size, I think it’s helpful to meet me first before they get to ride or drive with one of the others.
This has got me wondering, with smaller people around I might just get a chance to do some driving, keep your fingers crossed for me!
PS – I'm not quite sure what an ‘Ambassador’ is but it sounds important - & that’s got to be me, don’t you think?
Hello everyone – it’s me, Pixie, talking to you from the stables here at Calvert Trust Exmoor. I promised Pilgrim to do at least one more blog, and an Exmoor pony always keeps her promise!
I’ve been demand this week as some of the guests are just the right size for me to work with, and being so experienced I am the ideal horse to take on this responsible role.
I enjoy taking them round the arena, doing all kinds of exercises and especially hearing them chuckle when I move a bit faster. Overall, as Pilgrim might say, ‘a job well done!’
I had a lovely day off, and now I’m ready for anything! Hope I get a chance to do some more driving. Don’t get me wrong, I do love doing my agility and I don’t want to give it up, but it’s nice to have another ‘string to my bow’!
I had a chat with Brin over a tasty patch of grass yesterday, he’s really enjoying being at Calvert Trust Exmoor, even more now he’s working with our guests. I love having him to play with; Pixie is great & my best friend ever, but she doesn’t see the point of playing what she calls 'silly games'!
Playing with Brin |
With Brin about I’ve got the best of everything - lucky me!