12 July 2012

My Friend Pixie

What did you think of the photo with me next to Brin?…..cool huh! (if you missed it, its here: Hello Big Guy!)

We are getting on really well, he’s quite playful and now he knows that I’m up for a bit of fun we get together more in the field.I’m not sure that Pixie, my best friend, is very impressed with Brin…

…she has a way of looking at other horses that lets them know exactly what she thinks of them! She’s always nice to me as I’m her favourite, of course I'm everyone's favourite! 

She is a bit older than me but we just get along really well. I’m thinking of asking if she would like to do the blog sometime; not sure if she’s even heard of blogging!  (I bet she would think it was something rude!!)

10 July 2012

Bye Bye Nicky

Hi everyone, it’s me again with the latest from the stables at
Calvert Trust Exmoor. Had a bit of a surprise this week; Nicky, one of the staff, has left the stables after working here for more than 9 years! 

Nicky (with my friend Bruno)

All of us horses say a big thank you for looking after us so well and wish her well in whatever she does next. Of course this means that the staff will be looking for a new person to join the team at the stables – but they will need to find the right person so it could take a bit of time. If you are interested I've been told you can find out more on the vacancies page (whatever that is!)

In the meantime the remaining staff will do their best to keep things going for the all the guests that come to the stables. It might mean that the sessions are a bit different for a while; but I will do my best to keep everyone entertained!

7 July 2012


I’ve had an idea, I think I might ask if someone can come round one day when I am doing my agility so they can take some pictures.   Then for those of you that haven’t seen me in action you’ll get a better idea of what I do!

It needs to be dry & sunny so I can be at my best, things like the seesaw aren’t really safe for me when it’s wet, especially in these plastic shoes! So can everyone please keep your fingers crossed & hope for good weather very soon!!   

Field Update:
Brin is still playing it cool – but we did share the same patch of grass yesterday; I’m sure it won’t be long before we are proper friends.   Will keep you posted!

6 July 2012

Am I agile or what?!?

No driving this week, but I’ve taken some of the guests round my agility course.  Now I’ve been thinking & I reckon that some of you may not know what it is I do for agility, so I decided to give you a rough idea.

I have my very own set of gismos that can be set out in whatever place and order you like.  These include;

  • Cones (for bending round – the closer the better) 
  • A big tyre with side barriers (I have to take big steps to go in & out of the tyre and stay straight), 
  • A seesaw (specially made for me & one of my favourites!) 
  • A ladder (I need to walk through without missing out a ‘rung’) 
  • And my very own ‘parking space’ (I have to stand with all four feet inside the edge).   

You can see why I enjoy it so much as no two courses are ever the same!   Maybe you might be the one taking me round the course one day fancy a go?

3 July 2012

Hello big guy!

You’ll never guess what happened today…

I got put into a different field (with my friends Pixie & Teddy) and the new horse Brin was put in with us as well!
I had to go up & say hello of course – he is REALLY big…..in fact I think he is the biggest horse that I have ever met!    

Getting to know Brin

I think he was a bit surprised when I went up & said hi – it might be that I am the smallest pony that he has ever seen; how cool is that!

Anyway, I didn’t bother him too much; I think he is a bit shy & I had to check out my new field & seek out the best patches of scrummy grass.

2 July 2012

Mud, mud glorious mud

Hi! All’s well here at Calvert Trust Exmoor, except for the weather! I can’t believe how much it has rained in the past few weeks.

Some days we are even having the mud washed off our feet. It’s a nice touch by the staff to make sure we are comfortable in our stables, but it’s supposed to be summer!!!

Thank goodness we’ve got the indoor area to work (& play) in.

I heard someone say today that it’s going to be warmer & dryer this week…..I’ll believe it when it happens!

29 June 2012

More about shoes... again!

These plastic shoes might not sound as good as the metal ones but they are very comfortable & they are staying on!    This means that I am able to do loads more, guess what; I did some more driving today, Yay!

After I warmed up in walk & trot, I did some circles & changes of direction; a couple of the circles were my best ever!  Then I was asked to trot figures of eight through some cones – with the turns getting tighter each time!   It was great fun & my driver was so pleased with me that I got another treat – a juicy apple this time!

I do love driving……..