Hey everyone its Hendrix here again, I still have loads more to tell you about my visit to the show! You might remember in my last blog I had just settled down in my stable (with grass growing INSIDE!) for the night.
The next morning Nicky arrived very early and gave me breakfast. Kerri was soon there too and they groomed me and plaited me up. There were lots of horses, ponies and people around by then and I was eager to see what I was going to do. I was harnessed up and taken outside where Jon was waiting with my carriage. My eyes were out on stalks now because there was so much to look at!
A show ring was right next to the stables and I thought to start with maybe that’s where I would go with my carriage, but there were already lots of horses in there showing their stuff so I guessed I was going somewhere else. I asked a shire horse, (do you know how huge they are?!?), what he thought and he said “no lad, you won’t be in there that’s for the showing in hand, you will be in the Lady Clinton Ring I should think”. Well, I didn't know what he meant so I had to wait to find out.
I was soon put to my carriage and although it was all very busy around me I knew I had to behave once I was being driven because that is my job. Nicky made me wait while Kerri stood with me until it was time to go. A lady with a clipboard came and walked in front of us through the stables area and out onto a roadway which was FULL of people, dogs, pushchairs and lots of noise!
It was busy! (thanks Kevin Beer for the photo) |
I was a bit overwhelmed but Nicky said “come on, you are fine, nothing to worry about”. I just got going and soon realised it was actually quite fun with all those people watching me! The lady with the clip board (I later found out from my shire horse buddy that she is called a steward), led us all the way to a grass arena; the Lady Clinton Ring.
In the ring it was just me and the Calvert Trust Exmoor team showing our skills to the crowd watching us. We gave them a demonstration of carriage driving with a wheelchair driver sitting next to Nicky. I had a great time and at the end everyone gave us a huge round of applause. I loved showing what I can do to all the spectators and I loved it even more when they all clapped.
In the arena |
A man stood in the middle of the arena telling the crowd all about Calvert Trust Exmoor and what we do here. I even learnt a few things myself – did you know that some people who come here get to do forest skills? I have never seen that but I asked Teddy when I got home and he said it all happens over the road in the woods by the farmhouse.
Later on I did another performance and this time it was even better, as I knew what to expect. I must say having plaits put in my mane and tail and even glitter put on my coat made me feel very important!
I felt very important! (thanks Kevin Beer for the photo) |
When I had finished I had time for a graze on the patch of grass next to the stables area and managed to watch some show horses in their ring. I think I would like to have a go at that too sometime; I think I would be splendid! Soon it was the end of a very busy first day and I had some time to relax in my lovely show ground stable and a chat with the horses around me. I must say I think the shire horses are even cleverer than Teddy (but don’t tell him I said so!).
We had two more lovely days at the show and each day I did two demonstrations with the team helping me. I had a wonderful time and saw lots of new things at the show, I also saw some familiar faces as some of our regular visitors and volunteers came to see us, which was brilliant. Each day when I was in my stable lots of show visitors came along to say hello to me and all my new friends. I must admit by Saturday afternoon I was getting a little bit tired!
For my last performance we were just getting ready outside the ring when I heard the strangest noise. To me it sounded like some strange animals but I heard someone say it was a bagpipe band. Now I don’t know what that is exactly but let me tell you they certainly make a racket!!
Later on Saturday afternoon I watched Nicky and Richard pack all my harness and other equipment into the minibus and Jon loaded my carriage onto the flat trailer. I guessed it was time to leave the show and go home.
I was a bit sad to be going but I couldn’t wait to tell all the other horses about my exciting time away. In fact as soon as we got home and Nicky put me in the field I ran straight over to Bertie and had a proper natter. He didn’t seem very impressed with what I was saying so I had to chase him around a bit. Teddy however thought I had done a brilliant job representing the stables and told me he thought I had finally grown up! Rude, I thought…
…Well I guess it is time for me to let Pilgrim back on the blog now, but you never know I might get another chance to chat to you all in future. Got to go and let Jack know how clever I am now, I think he is the only one I haven’t told my story to.