I’ve heard that Maxwell is off work, something about having a sore leg. Anyway, he’s staying in his stable overnight rather than going in the field & Bruno is also staying in to keep him company.
Teddy reckoned that Bruno is loving this; he hates getting muddy & wet plus he just loves getting any attention that’s going!!!
I hope Maxwell gets better soon…
….but I bet Bruno doesn’t think so!!
Me and the Little Man (Bailey!) |
Guess what, we all stayed in the other night; it was really windy & raining like mad! I think the staff felt they couldn’t put us out in such bad weather so we all had a relaxing night in. Cosy! Don’t get me wrong, I love being out in my field BUT even a tough mini Shetland like me has his limits!!!!
Bailey told me that he quite liked being in with the others……..he felt ‘quite grown up & one of the gang’.