15 November 2012

Bye Bye Pixie

I’ve just had a bit of a shock; my best friend Pixie has retired & gone back home to her owners who live somewhere called ‘Somerset’!


I knew she was older than me, in fact she’s older than all of us horses here at Calvert Trust.  I remember her saying something a while back about looking forward to ‘putting her feet up’ – but I had no idea that she wouldn’t be doing that here!

I think Pixie knows me better than any of the others & I will miss her a lot.   Teddy said he’d make sure I’m OK & to let him know if he can help in anyway – how nice was that!  It won’t be the same without her but as long as Pixie is happy it’s OK with me.

Well, sort of…..ask me later.

10 November 2012

Guest Blogger Hendrix 7: Bye for now

Had my shoes done today. I don’t always need new shoes each time, but they do need to come off & my feet are trimmed to look neat & tidy.

When I first had them done I didn’t like it at all – but the guys who do our shoes are very good & make sure I’m happy with what they are doing. In fact I heard them say how much better I am & that I was ‘as good as gold’ – cool huh? 

Pilgrim told me that he’s doing the blog again – I wonder if he’s worried that I’m doing too good a job!  Anyway, it’s been great chatting to you all – I might get the chance to do this again sometime, if I talk to Pilgrim nicely!  Bye for now.

Bye For Now!

8 November 2012

Guest Blogger Hendrix 6: Look at my Lovely Legs!

We’ve got lots of folks around the centre this week, so we’re all keeping busy – suits me as I’m not good at doing nothing at all!

Pilgrim’s had to do his agility course in the indoor yard a few times. This means only one thing: it’s been raining!! 
He told me he quite likes working inside; 
no:1 he doesn’t get wet, and 
no:2 he often does some tighter turns which is good practice for him.   

He keeps saying things like "any chance I get to improve my turns is great. It might make all the difference to my time"; I'm not sure what he’s talking about, do you know?

It’s got much colder, so we’re all glad to have our rugs on!    The fields have also got muddier, which means we have our legs washed off before we go into our stables.  
That’s not as bad as it sounds; the staff put something called ‘liquid paraffin’ on our legs every few weeks, which Teddy says protects them.   It feels a bit funny at first but I don’t mind that if it keeps my legs looking good!

6 November 2012

Guest Blogger Hendix 5: Sharing with Pilgrim

Pilgrim said I could do the blog for a bit longer when I told him how much fun I’ve had talking to you guys.

He & I get on really well as we're about the same age.  We both love messing about & having fun (if you’ve watched us when we are loose in the school you will have seen us in action!!)

Big news this week – Pilgrim & I are in the same field!!   I bet they’ve put us together because the staff know how well we get on with each other. The best bit is that we’ve got the field to ourselves!  So no one’s moaning at me to stop messing about & ‘act your age’! the point is that’s exactly what I am doing – surely they must have been young once!

3 November 2012

Guest Blogger Hendrix 4: Just a Quickie!

Bruno & Duke’s shoes have been put back on – so are they back to work. I’m sure I should be having my shoes done soon; better keep a tight hold of them until I do!

1 November 2012

Guest Blogger Hendrix 3: Scrummy!

Big news!!  The fencing in my field got moved yesterday, which meant that me & the lads had more grass last night – scrummy!

There was a ’down side’ to it though. Part of this extra munching area can be a bit soft especially when it’s been raining! It’s a place where us boys can lose a shoe if we’ve not careful – I kept well away but both Duke & Bruno managed to lose a front shoe! I call that being a bit careless; though I wouldn’t say that to their faces (I don’t want to upset them now, do I?)

This meant they couldn’t work today but I don’t think either of them minded too much. I get bored if I’m not doing anything so I’ll keep away from the ‘boggy’ bit!

31 October 2012

Guest Blogger Hendrix 2: My Thing

Things are pretty good here at Calvert Trust Exmoor; I’ve had my breakfast & a good groom so I’m now ready to do my thing!

What is my ‘thing’ you might ask? Well, my number one job is carriage driving, I’m usually the first horse the staff think of using when a carriage is needed. I do also get ridden which is fun, but I’m best at driving plus it’s what I’ve done the most.

What you might not realise is that to ‘pull’ the carriage I’m really ‘pushing’ into my collar & when I’m going downhill I have to hold it back with my strong ‘bottom’ muscles! It won’t surprise you to know that I’ve built up a few extra muscles in the last year or so. I’ve even gone up a rug size!!

People are also surprised how much weight I can ‘pull’ – in fact I can pull much more weight than I can carry!!! I Bet you didn’t know that!  

Will tell you more next time - bye for now!