15 January 2015

Bye Bye Safari

Hi everyone, its great to be back. 

Sadly we had to say goodbye to Safari just before Christmas, He has gone back home to his owners. 

He had a lovely time working here at the stables but has now gone to semi retire and enjoy some light riding work and  relaxing time in the fields with some new pony friends and his owner Kat. We will all miss him but I think he will enjoy life there.

As you know Rooster was very friendly with Safari and although he probably misses him a bit, he has now completely fallen in love with Duchess, which she seems to be quite happy about! 

Duchess and Rooster

We horses and ponies have all had a lovely holiday over Christmas and New Year;  lots of cleaning and some painting has gone in in the stables while we were having our holiday!

One thing that looks a bit different is the indoor arena.  It now has a bright yellow line all the way around the edge of it. I was a bit surprised when I first saw it and Bertie thought it was a bit scary!  (He is a bit of a baby about new things!). 

The line makes it much easier to see the edge of the arena and Teddy says this is what it is for; to help people who are visually impaired to see where they need to steer their horse when they are riding. I am sure it will help a lot of people to have a great riding experience. 

3 January 2015

New Faces for 2015

Do you remember I told you a few weeks ago that some of the staff in the stables were going and new people were going to come and look after us? 

Louise has now left us to work at a vets and will be training to become a veterinary nurse. I think she will be really good at looking after sick animals.  When any of us horses and ponies felt a bit sorry for ourselves she was great at cheering us up and caring for us.  We will miss her but hopefully she will pop back in to see us all in the future.

Abi has also moved to a new job which is closer to her family. She will be working with some event horses and their family of humans, I think she will be great at training all of them! She said she hopes to come back and see me soon, I hope she does as I will miss her cuddles.

Cuddles with Abi...

... and kisses too!

Our two new staff Richard and Alice have been with us for a couple of weeks now, so I thought it was about time I introduced them to you.

Richard has lots of experience with horses and people; we are all getting to know him now and showing him how we like things to be done!


He has worked with carriage horses before and one of his jobs here will be driving the carriages. He has done some carriage driving with both Hendrix and Duchess, they both said he was very nice and kind to them and they are looking forward to taking him out driving in their carriages.

Duchess is a very sensible mare and I'm sure she will soon have Richard under her spell! Hendrix will just be his usual cheeky loveable self and get Richard to do things exactly how he wants him to without Richard even realising! 

Alice volunteered with us for a few weeks before starting her job with us, so we have got to know here already. She is our new Riding Instructor.


Alice has lots of experience with horses and has taught many people to ride so she has plenty of ideas for us equines and for all our guests too. I have also been chatting with Brin about Alice and I think he may have a new number one fan; apparently Alice loves him already!

30 December 2014

Muddy Buddies

This week things are quiet here at the stables, we horses and ponies are enjoying a well-earned holiday. We have spent lots of time gossiping, playing, giving each other a lovely scratch and of course enjoying some winter sunshine in the fields.

The fields are a bit muddy now but horses and ponies love mud! 

A rather muddy Teddy enjoying some lunch!

I particularly like to have a good roll in the mud when I am put out in the field.  It is very satisfying and I love to see the look on the faces of the stables staff when they see the mud plastered all over me! 

Bertie makes all us horses smile; he waits until he hears the stables staff coming to check us all in the field and then rolls right in front of them to get as dirty as he can!

25 December 2014

Yummy Christmas Dinner

Today we have had our Christmas treats!  Very nice they were too.  We had apples and carrots each in a little surprise pile with our hay. I had mine in my stable when I came in from the field. 


All the other horses and ponies had theirs with their usual hay in the field.  They always gallop down to the feeding area when they hear the wheelbarrow which brings the hay; they were all very impressed with the extra treats today! 

The Dinner Queue

Bertie enjoying his Christmas Dinner

We certainly all enjoyed them very much. Thank you to all our lovely friends who have generously given us nice things to eat for Christmas; we all had a lovely time munching!

22 December 2014

Spring Cleaning already?!?

The staff here in the stables have been very busy.  Each year they pressure wash all the stables and the stable mats we have to lay on, do some painting and have a big clean up around the yard.

The stables looking sparkly and clean

I heard them saying they were spring cleaning.  Now I have heard of being organised but that can’t be right; it’s only December!

They do all this work at this time of year because there are no guests here and it's holiday time for us horses, which means that we are out in the fields and our stables are empty for the cleaning to be done. Of course I am still able to come in every night to go to bed! 

20 December 2014

A busy day with the R.D.A.

I haven't had a chance to tell you before, but this time last week we had a really busy day here in the stables.

First thing in the morning I knew something special must be happening because there were lots of people here. As well as Nicky, Abi and Kerri our two new members of staff Richard and Alice were here too. Oli, who is an activity instructor, was also in the stables with Amy, one of our regular volunteers.

After we horses were brought in and given breakfast the two carriages were set out on the back yard. I thought we must be expecting a group of guests from the Centre.  Then Nicky went off to reception and came back with four people I had not seen before.

I heard all the humans talking and they discussed the carriages and the two driving horses Hendrix and Duchess. I kept hearing R.D.A.  being mentioned and thought I should ask Teddy what on earth was going on! He said he thought the people had all come to assess the carriages, horses and drivers.

The R.D.A. (Riding for the Disabled Association), is an organisation which provides riding and carriage driving for people with disabilities; as you all know that is what we do here at Calvert Trust Exmoor too. 

The staff here all think it will be great to be part of the R.D.A. I heard this morning that Nicky and Richard are now R.D.A. whips (this means they passed their assessments). Duchess and Hendrix also passed their assessments as R.D.A. driving horses. Abi was also assessed as an R.D.A. whip and hopes to be able to help at an R.D.A. group near to her new job. 

18 December 2014

Christmas fun and games

A lot of our regular local riders have had great fun here over the past two weekends.  As it is nearly Christmas it was time to play games on horses.

Christmas fun and games

We horses and ponies love playing games as much as people do, so the whole thing was enjoyed by everyone who took part.  My buddy Brin gets quite competitive when the games start but he only likes racing in one direction in the arena! 

They played musical statues to warm humans and horses up then they had a go at weaving through some cones.  They also played dress the snowman –each person had to put gloves, a hat or scarf onto the snowman.

Playing dress the snowman

Then they played a bucket in a ball game;Teddy and Henry thought the balls might be apples.  They had a little taste and said they weren’t very nice to eat! Teddy had a very tiny rider for some games which he loved!

Jack was being very serious and carefully looking after his little rider.  He didn’t show his competitive side. Bertie and his little rider Bethan were the quickest to begin with but both got a bit tired and decided not to have a trot.