9 November 2014

Dressage Test

Our guests did lots of riding and carriage driving this weekend, and on Sunday they had a go at a dressage test. 

Henry, Teddy and Brin were chosen to take part and they were made to look very smart, having their manes and tails plaited and muddy bits washed. Two of our lovely volunteers also tried the dressage test. Everyone got judged on their riding skills by Nicky who sat up in the gallery to watch what was happening. At the end of the day everyone had a rosette and certificate to take home with them. 

Brin having a little snack before his big moment!

One of our guests this weekend used to work with race horses. He rode Brin this weekend; I think Brin was a bit worried he might ask him to gallop round the arena! Brin is not too keen on going fast, luckily for him the dressage test only involved walking and trotting! I would not have been the only one amazed if Brin had suddenly decided to show a burst of energy, he's definitely built for comfort not for speed!

The weather is certainly starting to change here at Calvert Trust Exmoor. It has been quite a bit colder and rainy this weekend. I think I will soon be tucked up in my lovely warm stable every night, I can't wait for that.

We are all going out in the fields wearing our waterproof rugs again now. Needless to say we have rolled as much as we can to make them all nice and dirty!  Ah the joys of being a pony......

5 November 2014

Horse Weekend and Spooky Goings On!

This weekend we had some visitors to the stables on a horse weekend. All the centre had been decorated with spooky stuff so us horses and ponies were feeling a little left out. However we soon realised that two of us had been chosen to join in the fun, myself and Duchess were decorated to look like skeleton horses!

Nicky got some chalk and we had all of our bones drawn on us! Duchess kept turning round to look at herself while she was being drawn on. I am quite sure she thought she looked fabulous!

Skeletal Horses!

Our visitors then watched us in the arena, as we moved around they could see which bones were moving which part of us. I decided to play a trick of my own though and had a lovely roll. This rubbed all the chalk off so Nickys hard work was no longer visible! Ha Ha!!!

Rolling around

 Hendrix was then allowed to come into the arena to play with us. He must have felt a bit left out because he tried to design his own outfit using a cone! Duchess was not impressed by this but i thought it looked like a good game and tried a cone on for size too.

Hendrix's Cone Costume!

2 November 2014

Guest Blogger Daisy 1: My Lovely Horsey Friends

Hi my name's Daisy and I ride every week here at Calvert Trust Exmoor. 

I was chatting to my good friend Pilgrim the other day and he asked me if I would write something about the stables. He said that everyone would like to know about my horsey friends so I said that I would; I hope you like it.

I know Bertie very well,he was one of the first ponies I rode here, he's very gentle and loves being groomed, he loves to potter around the indoor school and not do too much if he can get away with it!

Learning with Bertie

Then there's Henry, he's had a bit of a rough summer as the flies really like him! This makes him unhappy,but he's OK now autumn is here. 

Enjoying a ride with Henry

And Jack, well Jack loves to play and zoom around the indoor school, then when he's had enough he takes himself off to the door and asks to go back to his stable! Pilgrim thinks he's really funny.

Zooming with Jack

And of course there's Hendrix,he listens very hard to what I am saying and loves to have fun with me.

Having fun with Hendrix

I mustn't forget the others: There's Duchess she's the only girl and I think that she is in charge! Then there's Safari and Rooster, they are best friends and like to do everything together. And finally there is Teddy and Brin they are the big boys, and both very handsome.

Thank you Pilgrim for giving me a chance to write about my lovely friends, riding here makes me feel really happy, I love learning about the horses and thank you Nicky, Abi , Kerry and Louise for helping me.

Love Daisy xxx

25 October 2014

Guest Blogger Duchess 1: A Mare's Eye View

Hello ladies and gentlemen, lovely to have the chance to give you a mare’s eye view of the Calvert Stables.

Hi I'm Duchess!

I have been here for nearly a whole year now and I must say I am thoroughly enjoying keeping all these boys in check!  I do have a special friend here who I lived with before I arrived here, his name is Jack and he is a very gentle soul.

I am quite popular with all the other horses and ponies which is great.  I do try to treat all the boys fairly though, as horses can get quite jealous of each other just like people. I love living here and enjoy both my jobs, I get ridden and also I pull a big carriage.  I am a multi-talented girl! 

Me pulling the big carriage

I'm a traditional cob by the way, which means I am fairly stocky and have a beautiful long mane and tail.  I also have amazing feathers on my legs…

...I know what you are thinking but these feathers are nothing to do with birds! When horses have feathers it means they have long hairs on their legs.  The feathers can be very thick and long.  They help to protect our legs from muddy conditions and also look rather splendid. I like it when my feathers have been brushed to make them smooth and shiny, all the guests here remark how gorgeous I look which is good for a girl’s ego!

The best thing about living here is the amount of fuss and attention I get from all sorts of people; I would stand and be brushed all day long.  

Must go now, my carriage awaits! - Duchess x

21 October 2014

Dusty the Farrier

Hi everyone, it’s me back again, the smallest, mightiest pony here at Calvert Trust ExmoorThis week we have had lots of guests here in the centre doing all sorts of activities, including carriage driving and riding.

We also had a visit from the farrier, so I thought I would introduce you to Dusty.  He comes here to shoe some of us horses and ponies, along with his friends Clive and Jordan. Dusty is very friendly and as you can see from this photo of him shoeing Safari he loves having his photo taken,a bit like me! You may remember me telling you before, I have special plastic shoes when it is my turn to be shod.  

Dusty Shoeing Safari

Another visitor this week was the vet.  He came out to see Henry who has had an argument with a fence! The fence came of worst, but he was left with a cut on his leg which the vet had to look at.  Henry is fine again now though and will be back working very soon.

I've had a chat with Duchess who's the only female horse here at the stables.  She is very beautiful and quite outspoken so I thought you might like to hear about life from her point of view; so the next blog later this week will be written by Duchess rather than me.

9 October 2014

Synchronised driving and competition fun

Last time I blogged I wrote about the Horse Experience Weekend that we had just finished; I thought this time I would tell you a bit more about it.

On the Sunday morning all our visitors had a carriage driving session, both Duchess and Hendrix were in action pulling their carriages.  This meant they could have some competition fun in the arena taking visitors around a course of cones, there was even a stop-watch involved!

Don’t tell Hendrix I told you but Duchess beat him in every trial!! Also they had a go at synchronised driving! It looked quite tricky to me but Duchess and Hendrix both had a fun time.

Synchronised Driving

After lunch it was time for the Horse Weekend Challenge.

Competing in the challenge

Our visitors had to ride or drive around a course of obstacles in the arena, while they all watched each other and cheered each other on. At the end the staff and guests enjoyed a well deserved cup of tea while the stables staff handed out certificates and rosettes to our guests. We equines were happily munching hay by this time. A good weekend was had by all!
It's Rosette time!

6 October 2014

Smiles and fun for the Horse Weekend

Hi folks, it’s your mini-Shetland mighty atom reporting again!

It's starting to feel like summer is finally over, but I must say that we horses and ponies here have really enjoyed all the lovely weather we have had this year. I'm sure all our visitors have loved being here in Devon in the sunshine.

Although it has been a bit cooler this weekend we've still had some good sunshine, which is great because we have had some guest here having lots of fun on our Horse Weekend.


The guests all get involved in looking after us and learn how to feed us, groom us and muck out our stables, they also learn about how to clean our tack and harness. The guests this weekend had a go at working out how a harness fits and works – to help them do this they tried Hendrix’s harness on themselves!!

Trying Hendrix's Harness!

Sometimes the guests get to do agility with yours truly as well as trying riding and carriage driving. This weekend Bryony got to ride Henry, She practised her trotting and steering around obstacles in the arena. 

Bryony riding Hendrix

Our other visitors Sarah, Natalie and Karen, went in the carriage with Hendrix.  They drove in the arena and Hendrix showed how great he is at going through cones. When all the horses had done their work Bryony helped to feed us all our lunchtime hay.
In the arena with Hendrix

After lunch Bryony went for a ride outside on Teddy.  Sarah, Natalie and Karen went out driving in the carriage with Duchess. They drove down the track where lots of leaves are starting to fall off the trees. (Teddy says that’s because it is autumn now).

a beautiful Autumn drive

Everyone was worn out at the end of the day. When our guest had finished for the day all us horses and ponies went out for some lovely grass – our favourite thing to do!