20 June 2014

Bath time again!

We had a great Horse Experience Weekend here last weekend.  These are great fun, and people who come on them get to spend the whole weekend in the stables so they get to know us all really well.

The weekend was lovely weather too so the guests did lots of riding and carriage driving in the sunshine, and then finished their weekend with a competition.

I was lucky enough to get a bath on Saturday, which I love. It's helped a bit more of my old winter coat to come out, but there is still some hanging on!

Hey! You forgot to do my hair!

I need to be looking as good as possible because as I told you I am soon going to a show; I think it will be great fun and can’t wait to see what other horses and ponies might be there.  I wonder if there will be any other miniature Shetlands? 

18 June 2014

Meeting some lovely young people

Hi everyone, we horses and ponies have all had another busy week here in the Stables.  

We had a school group visit from Ladbrook School year 6. They were a great bunch of young people and all came to the stables for sessions riding, carriage driving and of course doing some agility with me! 

Kev is such a poser: He seem's to have forgotten its all about me!

Some of them also did some grooming and even mucked out!! I really enjoy meeting young people.  I think some of them may never have seen a pony as small as me before. 

 Quite often people ask whether I am a baby; If I was I wouldn't know half the things I know! I guess people think I am still a foal because I am tiny, but they don't call me the mighty atom for nothing!

10 June 2014

More New Kit for Me!

Kerri, who is one of the riding instructors in our stables, has a young daughter who is horse and pony mad!

This lovely kind young person is called Molly.  She recently went to Badminton Horse Trials to watch horses and riders do lots of very clever stuff. They do dressage, cross country, (which involves very big jumps made of stuff like trees and jumping into water!) and show jumping. 

I've had a go at show jumps before...

Me show jumping!

...well very little ones and admittedly I didn’t have a rider on my back! These other horses sound like really talented chaps to me!

Anyway while Molly was at Badminton she saw a stall where you can get things for very important ponies such as me. As she had heard about me from Kerri she wanted to get me something special.  I am now the proud owner of a Superstar head collar!  It is red with stars and my name on it. 

Look at my lovely head collar!

As you can imagine I feel very proud that she chose me to get something for, and I feel like a movie star in my new head collar.  I am available for Hoof prints on the red carpet and feel sure I will soon get a call from Hollywood!!

7 June 2014

Our Volunteers Are Awesome!

Hello everyone it’s your favourite small equine here!

I thought it was time to tell you all about the brilliant volunteers here at Calvert Trust Exmoor. Every week we have volunteers  come and help us in the stables. The volunteers help the stables staff to look after us and also they help to enable our guests to be able to ride and carriage drive.

Some of our lovely volunteers

Whenever there is a group of people coming to the stables to do things with us horses and ponies we need the help of volunteers, they get involved in all sorts of things! 

They might be leading one of us, or walking beside us to give a rider some help, or out being a driving groom in the carriage with Duchess or Hendrix.

Brin and some guests being lead by Mike, a regular volunteer

There are always things for the volunteers to do and the staff say they couldn’t do riding and driving sessions without their help.  Some of our volunteers have been coming to help us for years, even longer than Teddy has been here, but we  also have some newer ones.  Most of the people who come to help love being around us horses and ponies, of course I am usually their special favourite!

New volunteers are always welcome, all us horses and ponies love to meet new faces! Anyone can find out about becoming a volunteer here by speaking to Josh in the office or Nicky in the stables, or visiting the volunteering page

4 June 2014

Meeting my new colleagues!

do you remember me telling you all that I have started writing for our local newspaper?

I had a surprise visit on Friday, some of my new colleagues from The North Devon Journal popped in to see me!

Some of the North Devon Journal Team

Apparently as well as meeting me they got to do some archery and had a go on the challenge course too; although I was undoubtedly the highlight of their visit!

3 June 2014

I'm going to a show!

Hello everyone, Pilgrim here, I heard something exciting this morning!

The stables staff were chatting about me and I overheard Nicky say she is planning to take me to a show! I wonder where the show will be and how I will get there? 

Maybe I will get a trip in the horse trailer. I don’t know what I will be doing there but I will of course keep you all informed. 

I've been having a lot of my winter hair removed recently, underneath the long winter coat is a lovely sleek and shiny summer one but the staff haven’t found it yet!  I think all this grooming is so that I will look my best when I get to the show. 

The things I have to go through! It's not easy being as cute as this you know!

I wonder if I will get washed with shampoo before I go? I expect that everyone there will think I am the cutest pony they have ever seen and of course they would be right!

Surely I'm bound to win cutest pony? look at me!

1 June 2014

Henry's Tried Jumping!

Henry tells me he has been learning to jump over poles with a rider. This is a new thing for him, but I think it sounds quite easy! I do agility and go over and under things all the time! 

Henry clearing the jump
He even had a go at a little jump, as you can see from the photo above; he said he loved doing it and he will be doing more of this in the future so I will keep you up to date.  If he wants to I might let him do a guest spot on my blog.

Here's a video I took of Henry clearing his first jump!

That’s all for now folks.  I am just off outside to do some agility and meet lots more lovely people. Hopefully later on I will get put back out in the field to eat some lovely grass.