13 September 2013

inundated with little people!

Hi guys, I’m back again for a bit to keep you informed as to what’s going on here at the stables.

I thought Henry did very well for a first time blogger, don’t you?   His first blog was sent off before I got a chance to ‘edit it’ – which is why there wasn’t any full stops or commas!!!  

I’ll give him his due though, the second blog was so much better; I’ve heard the staff say how quickly he picks things up & I totally agree with that! He’s very keen to do the blog again so you will hear more from him soon.

Meanwhile we’ve been busy here with more smaller people visiting the stables – that’s great for me as their more my size!   When I mentioned this to Teddy he said it’s because the schools have broken up....

.....I must have looked a bit puzzled as he then explained it meant the children weren’t at school at the moment rather than the schools were damaged. Phew!!

1 September 2013

Guest Blogger Henry 3: The trouble with Flies

Hi, Henry here with a bit more info about me.

Pilgrim told me that a picture of me has already been on the blog – so how do you think I look?   I’ve been told that my coat has a good shine and I’ve got nice dapples too (that’s where I’ve got a mix of dark and light brown that form a nice pattern on my body), pretty cool, yes?

I do have trouble with flies in the heat as when they bite me it makes me itch so very much!   I know I shouldn’t scratch but I can’t help it and because of this I can get quite sore.    People call it  ‘sweet itch’ – but believe me there’s nothing sweet about it at all! 

Anyway, to help keep the flies off me I wear a light rug that covers most of my body, plus I have a face mask so the flies don’t get in my eyes. The first time I went into the field with all this on the other guys teased me something terrible, but I don’t mind one bit as I feel so much better. I also get a mini bath once a week and the staff put a cream on that helps to stop the itching; so this year I’m doing a bit with my skin, but I can’t wait for it to cool down!
The latest in 'fly-street' fashion!

I’m one of those horses that looks forward to the cold weather; that means no more flies!!!!!!

Good news - Pilgrim says that I can do the blog again, but he’s got things he wants to tell you so he’ll be doing the next one;  so bye for now but we’ll talk again soon.

29 August 2013

Guest Blogger Henry 2: Barefoot and Indoors

It’s Henry again.

Pilgrim’s just given me a lesson in writing things down properly.   He says that I can’t write things how I say them and he’s shown me a few new buttons I must use when I do the blog! I’ll give it a go and see if I can do things how he wants them done;  it’s more stuff for me to learn – but it’s such fun!

Anyway; Did you know that I’d never been ridden in an inside area until I came to Calvert Trust Exmoor?
It’s really cool and easy on my feet, as I wasn’t wearing metal shoes when I first got here. I now have shoes on my front feet and I just love the cool noise I now make walking out to the field!

Teddy told me that he went ‘barefoot’ for a while until last year and much prefers having front shoes on; I totally agree with him and talking to Hendrix last week he reckoned that when I’m doing more work on the tracks I might get back shoes as well – cool!

Pilgrim’s just been round and said I did OK with the blog; he showed me a few things that weren’t quite right and changed them for me, but otherwise it ‘up to standard’.   He said I could do one more – great stuff!

27 August 2013

Guest Blogger Henry 1: New Kid On The Block

Hi! it's Pilgrim - I promised Henry that I’d start off his first blog – he wants to do it right and felt that if I said hello to you all first he’d then feel better about writing the first bit. 

I must admit to a seasoned reporter like myself, writing the blog is like rolling downhill – but of course it is his very first time! So may I introduce Henry – the ‘new kid on the block’ here at Calvert Trust Exmoor; 

Henry enjoying a ride in the outdoor arena

Hi every one I’m Henry I’m 6 years old and Ive lived on a farm close to here for as long as I can remember
I was with a few other ponies who were all great but different and we shared the farm with loads of cows who were also great
My owner used to ride me round the farm and sometimes one of the other ponies would come too but the cows take a lot of time to look after so I havent been for a ride on the farm for ages
When she heard that the Calvert Trust were looking for new horses my owner thought it would be a nice for me to come and work as Im only young
I found it all a bit strange when I first come here but now I love it  I get lots of attention and Ive been learning loads of new stuff
I tell you more next time because Pilgrim said I shouldnt say everything all in one go

23 August 2013

and my next guest will be...

Good news! I’ve decided who to ask to be my next ‘guest blogger’.

He took a bit of persuading, but Henry eventually said he’d ‘like to have a go’! I thought it would be nice for you to find out a bit more about him and I’m guessing he’d love to talk to you all. In fact he’s a bit of a chatterbox when he gets going!

Henry enjoying some Long-reigning
I promised him that I would help him to get started; but I don’t think it will take Henry long! So watch this space!!

21 August 2013

Dapper? Moi?

As you know, yours truly is a modest pony but I can be heard ‘blowing my own trumpet’ if the need arises; so here it goes!

I was having a grooming session one morning when I heard a member of the stables staff comment on how trim I looked and how shiny my coat is at the moment. In fact they went as far to say that this summer I’m looking the best ever! 

How good is that! I’ve been feeling pretty good lately; after hearing this I grew to almost 10 hands! Of course the pressure is now on to keep looking this good...

Handsome fellow aren't I!

19 August 2013

Hendrix's Higher Heights!

Do you remember me telling you that Hendrix is sharing my field?   Well, you’ll never guess what he did...

...My field has a stone wall on one side which is really quite high, or so I thought.   Well one night I was looking for Hendrix and I couldn’t see him anywhere. A little while later he turned up, but wouldn’t tell me what he’d been up to, he just looked rather smug; like he knew something I didn’t OR that he’d been doing something he shouldn’t!

The Escapologist

The next night I had Bertie out with me instead of Hendrix, no idea why until I overheard the staff talking; Apparently Hendrix had CLIMBED’ up this wall and been eating the grass on the top!!  The staff found out because he left hoof prints & 3 droppings on the top! 

I’m not sure if it was Hendrix being brave or a bit silly; but either way he’s not going to get another chance!