You’ll NEVER guess what’s happened!!!! I’ve got a new friend…
…..AND he’s just my size!!!!
The best thing is that I already know him; we’ve both come from the same herd & he knows my mum, How cool is that!
His name is Bailey; he’s much younger than me and a totally different colour and doesn’t yet wear a rug!
I think the plan might be for me to help with his training so he can be as good at agility & driving as me one day! I heard that he’s on trial for a bit to see if he fits in with us, so I best make sure all goes well!
As you might guess we are in the same field…it’s great being able to run with a horse that’s goes at my speed (which is pretty fast!) plus I don’t have to stick my nose right up in the air whenever I what to have a chat!
I’ll keep you posted as to how he gets on, and try and get a photo of him soon!