Hello everyone, it’s me, Pixie, taking another turn on young Pilgrim’s blog.
Last time I mentioned my role as an ‘Ambassador for Horse Behaviour’ at the Calvert Trust Exmoor.I use this title as I am the most experienced at communicating with other horses, just like we do in the wild.
You might wonder how I gained this knowledge: I spent the first 3 years of my life living naturally with a herd on Exmoor, and believe me you learnt very quickly to understand what other horses were saying and who was in charge! I’ve since used these skills to establish my position in any herd I join – it probably won’t surprise you to know that I usually have the last word at the stables. I have heard the staff here call it Girl Power – not quite sure what that means, but it sounds good!
It is for this reason that I am often called upon to join a few of the others in one of the arenas. We are let loose so that the guests get to see how we behave towards each other and communicate. I won’t say much more, except I often have a shadow on these occasions – guess who!?!