Hello, my name is River, and firstly I would like to say
thank you to Pilgrim for allowing me this opportunity to introduce myself via
his blog. I must confess that when young Pilgrim suggested blogging I thought it
sounded a little rude! but apparently it’s all the rage these days.
Let it not
be said that us more mature ladies are not in touch with the modern world!
River in Action (2003) |
My full name is ‘River Big Bear’, and to answer Pilgrim’s
un-asked question I shall be 18 this year. I am a brown leopard spot Appaloosa,
16 hands high.
Although I was born in Great Britain, my ancestors come from
the United States of America, you might have seen some of
my distant relations in western films, the most famous being Zip Cochise, who stared
alongside John Wayne in the film “El
I came to Calvert
Trust Exmoor in January as I wasn’t being ridden very much, I’m still a very
active lady and I want to remain so!
I had a minor incident this week, me and one of the other
horses here failed to see eye to eye, and I ended up with a small cut on my
leg. This resulted in me having a few days off, to give me a chance to heal; Not
ideal in your first few months in a new home, I hope to be back in work next